Friday 3 August 2012

Homework 3/7

 Anouncements/Important Notes: 
 So on behalf on 203, WE'LL MISS YOU GREGORY OOI. Remember us from Canada, and #03family is forever.
 Getting assigned a Math teacher which isn't Mr Yeo is heartbreaking, but we should welcome Mrs Sin to the class warmly ;)

 Work due Monday:
 Geography printed answers
 Maths Assignment

 ➀ Answer the 5 mark question on 5 factors that affects the volume/speed of a river.
*remember to print this out, with your name, class, rg no at the top!
➁ Download Journal 9 and read up on it!

*ONLY for those in are in Geog support and missed it,  please find me and copy down a question which you'll have to answer by the next lesson, 16th Aug. 

➀ The Refraction WS *Danish hasn't collected this, HMMMMM

➀ Complete pages 26 and 27 of the Maths WS (Only Tier A and B though, if I'm not mistaken)
➁  Maths PT due Week 9!

➀ Choose a video OR a 3-page poster for your product, and come up with a draft.

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